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Корпусосборочное производство

Корпусосборочное производство

Nevsky Shipyard
+7 (812) 335-25-60  Fax: +7 (812) 335-25-70
Home » Corporate social responsibility » Ecological policy

Ecological policy

The priority of Nevsky Shipyard activity is ecological well-being as foundation of human life, reduction of negative impact of all the production processes on environment and open presentation of our activity ecological aspects.

Nevsky Shipyard’s environmental objective is decrease of pollutants emission (discharge) as well as reduction of production wastes by all the reasonable and available means.
Water area of the Shipyard is situated in two kilometers from the river Neva head and links to its left bank from Staroladogsky canal outlet to Fabrichny Ostrov and further along the west coast to its end. Total water area is 125 000 sq. m.

Neva is the source of potable and public water supply for Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region towns. The river has fishery and nature-oriented importance. That is why the basic aim of Nevsky Shipyard is the carrying out of measures on prevention of accidents and emergencies connected with environmental safety on Shipyard territory as well as in the river Neva water areas.

Nevsky Shipyard, LLC concluded Water use agreement with Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Leningrad region. On the basis of this agreement the enterprise drawn up «Water body monitoring programme», approved by Neva-Ladoga Water Basin Management Board. Nowadays, the monitoring of environmental situation on the river Neva is carried out regularly.

The production control programme connected with waste disposal was developed for carrying out of measures connected with environmental safety on the Shipyard. The programme is aimed to respect environmental quality standards. This programme includes:

  • streamlining of all departments activity connected with production and consumption wastes disposal;
  • systematic monitoring and measuring of production negative effect on environment;  
  • recognition of environmental requirements  leading role during working out of policy decisions connected with reconstruction, re-equipment and modernization of production capacities;
  • carrying out of measures for accidents and emergencies prevention.

The Shipyard developed Sanitary protection zone project which includes regular control of noise level and air condition state on Nevsky Shipyard territory and within Sanitary protection zone.
