Многоцелевой сухогрузный теплоход проекта RSD49

Судокорпусное производство

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Аварийно-спасательное судно проекта MPSV07

Корпусосборочное производство

Корпусосборочное производство

Nevsky Shipyard
+7 (812) 335-25-60  Fax: +7 (812) 335-25-70
Home » Services » Modernization and renovation

Modernization and renovation

Modernization and renovation

Nevsky Shipyard carries out modernization, renovation and winter storage of vessels.

Renewal of vessel hull, machinery, electrical equipment allows to extend the vessel operating life and reduce ship repair costs.
Renovated vessel has a number of advantages:

  • maritime safety increasing and decreasing of vessel loss risk
  • vessel environmental safety increasing
  • Classification Certifications periodicity recovery
  • right restoration for certification extension
  • advantages at freight and insurance market

Renovation – replacement of hull part using sectional method for extending of vessel operating life (in some cases change of vessel class), machineries and equipment repair with partial substitution for the new ones.

Modernization – building of new vessel using elements of run vessels (as a rule, it is fore end and aft end). It gives an opportunity to construct vessel with new characteristics (changing of vessel dimensions, vessel class, purpose and etc.) with less expenses.

