Многоцелевой сухогрузный теплоход проекта RSD49

Судокорпусное производство

Судокорпусное производство
Автоматизированная линия плоских секций


Аварийно-спасательное судно проекта MPSV07

Корпусосборочное производство

Корпусосборочное производство

Nevsky Shipyard
+7 (812) 335-25-60  Fax: +7 (812) 335-25-70

News and Events

Students and schoolchildren visited  Nevsky Shipyard 18.04.22

Students and schoolchildren visited Nevsky Shipyard

Nevsky Shipyard (part of the USC) held an action WEEK WITHOUT TURNSTILES. The action, which takes place twice a year on the initiative of the Leningrad regional branch of Russian Engineering Union, was attended by students, schoolchildren and teachers of secondary and technical schools of Leningrad region.

Nevsky Shipyard took part in PETER READINGS 12.04.22

Nevsky Shipyard took part in PETER READINGS

The Nevsky Shipyard took an active part in the final conference "Peter the First and Shlisselburg" as...
WEEK WITHOUT TURNSTILES – the first day 10.04.22


Nevsky Shipyard (part of the USC, the base enterprise of Leningrad regional branch of Russian Engineering Union)...
SPASATEL KAVDEYKIN completed the towing of the cargo vessel  in distress 05.04.22

SPASATEL KAVDEYKIN completed the towing of the cargo vessel in distress

SPASATEL KAVDEYKIN together with rescuers successfully completed the operation to refloat and tow the dry cargo...
The game 03.04.22

The game "Gender fight: I am a shipbuilder" was held at the Nevsky Shipyard

On April 1, 2022, a team game dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the United Shipbuilding Corporation and the...


  • Танкер-бункеровщик прибрежного плавания проекта SK4902
  • Буксир Multi Cat 1908
  • Судно типа Damen Combi Freighter 3850
  • Сухогрузное судно проекта RSD59
  • Причальный комплекс с вертолетной площадкой
  • Буксир Multi Cat 1506
  • Многофункциональный буксир-спасатель мощностью 2,5-3 МВт
  • Самоходный автомобильно-пассажирский паром проекта 2967/3132
  • Морская несамоходная баржа-площадка
  • Причальный комплекс с вертолетной площадкой проекта 02590
  • Многоцелевой сухогрузный теплоход дедвейтом 7150 тонн проекта RSD49
  • Грузопассажирское судно класса ARC 4 проекта PV22
  • Многофункциональное аварийно-спасательное судно проекта MPSV07
  • Причальный комплекс с вертолетной площадкой проекта RHP01
Nevsky Shipyard specializes in building of ready-to-operate vessels of all types – salvage vessels, tankers, dry-cargo vessels, tug-boats, run-about boats, auxiliary and supply vessels.

Ship repair

Ship repair
Ship repair is one of the leading activities of Nevsky Shipyard.


Machine-building is one of Nevsky Shipyard’s activities.

Technical supervision

Невский ССЗ - участник нац.проекта "Производительность труда"