According to the conditions of the tender held by The Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (the State Customer) and SUE «Direction of public contractor of marine transport development program» (the Customer), on 23-rd on November of this year in Moscow office of "Rosmorrechflot" envelopes with applications for participation in the tender were opened.
The type and the object of the competitive tender which was declared on 23-rd of October of this year is the Open competitive tender for the right of conclusion of the state contract to perform the following works:
Lot №1 - « Construction of a multipurpose rescue vessel, capacity 7 МВт »,
Lot №2 - « Construction of a multipurpose rescue vessel, capacity 4 МВт », (2)
Lot №3 - « Construction of a sea diving vessel », (2)
Lot № 4 - « Construction of a harbor diving vessel », (2)
Lot №5 – « Construction of rescue boats for booms installation» (2)
«Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant» filed applications for participation in lot №2 of the tender.
The construction of the vessels under Lot №2 is the continuation of the series of multipurpose rescue vessels of project MPSV-07. The head vessel of this series in now under construction at Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant ordered by The Federal Marine and River Transport Agency in accordance with the Federal Targeted Program “Development of the Transport System of Russia (2010 – 2015).
The keel of the head vessel (yard number 701) was laid on September, 22nd, 2009.
As of November, 16th, 2009 readiness of the hull of the rescue vessel made up 15 %.
The multipurpose rescue vessel of project MPSV07 will perform the following tasks:
• stand by, rescue operation in areas of shipping, fishing, sea oil and gas fields
• providing technical support and assistance in dangerous for shipping, sea foods production areas, servicing of transport operations in ports
• search of and assistance to vessel is in distress
• search, rescue, evacuation and placing of people, providing first aid to injured persons
• refloat from ground and reef damaged vessels, pumping out water from flooded compartments
• towing service of damaged vessels and objects to shelter area, and also providing sea towing of vessels, floating objects and constructions in ice conditions and at open water
• providing assistance to vessels and rescue operations in ice conditions and at open water
• providing assistance at fire fighting at floating and coastal objects accessible from sea
• supply and logistic support, including performing underwater engineering operations with divers at depth up to 60 m; and also deep-sea diving operations at depth to 300 m
• fire fighting of burning fuel on water, oil spills response service emergency oil and oil product spill
• survey and cleaning underwater hull of vessels, floating and coastal objects
• inspection of a sea-bottom and damaged objects on depths down to 1000 m.