On October, 22nd, 2009 «Nevsky Shipbuilding - Shiprepair Plant, LLC» (Schliesselburg, Leningrad region, Russia) launched the head vessel - bunker-tanker for coastal trade, deadweight - 850 tons.
The name of the vessel - «OSLO-TANK» (yard number 601).
The Customer – «Haugland Tankers AS», Norway, daughter company of «Bergen tankers AS»
Managing director of the company «HAUGLAND TANKERS AS» Mr. Kjell Olav Haugland
Project SK4902/10021 was developed by Design Bureau «Skipskonsulent AS», Bergen Norway.
Classification society - «Bureau Veritas».
The vessel was designed in conformity with the requirements of «Bureau Veritas» for the class: BV 1 XHULL, XMACH., Oil Tanker ESP, AUT-UMS, Coastal Area and has the following particulars:
Length overall: - 47,85 m
breadth - 10,0
depth - 4,0 m
draft - 2,85 m
deadweight - 850 tons
cargo tanks cubic capacity - 750 m3.
The vessel is intended for transportation of clean and dirty oil products with the flash point above 60С.
The vessel has twin screw propulsion plant, one continuous deck from fore to aft, double hull throughout in cargo area, sloped inner bottom in cargo area, cargo area subdivided into six cargo tanks, fuel tanks in the way of machinery space aft, accommodations and wheelhouse above main deck, gutter bar around main deck, all main deck structure below main deck, accommodations for 4 crew members, in three cabins.
Trade area – coastal area, flag – Norway.
Speed - 8,0 knots. Main engines (2 high-speed diesel engines «Mitsubishi») - 2х500 kw. Each engine to be coupled to the controllable pitch propeller diameter of 1,4 m via a flexible coupling and reduction gearbox. Bow thruster with fixed pitch propeller 200 kw. Vessel’s power plant includes two shaft generators - 450 kw each, and harbor generator 50 kw.
Another vessel, yard number 602 («BERGEN-TANK»), built for the same Customer, is currently is being completed in the shed of « Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant ».