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Home » News » 2009 » The envelopes with applications for participation in the tender were opened

The envelopes with applications for participation in the tender were opened

According to the conditions of the tender held by The Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (the State Customer) and SUE «Direction of public contractor of marine transport development program»  (the Customer), in Moscow office of " Rosmorrechflot " envelopes with applications for participation in the tender  were opened.

The type and the object of the competitive tender which was declared on April, 05th of this year is the Open competitive tender for the right of conclusion of the state contract to perform the following works: 

Lot  №1 - « Construction of a multipurpose rescue vessel, capacity 4 МВт »,

Lot   №2 - « Construction of a sea diving vessel ».

«Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant» filed applications for participation in both lots of the tender.

Vessels are to be built as per the Federal Targeted Program “Development of the Transport System of Russia (2010 – 2015) and are intended for "State Marine Pollution Control and Salvage and Rescue Service of RF" (Gosmorspassluzhba) .  A shipyard which will build these vessels will be chosen according to the results of the tender.

The following vessels are to be built as a part of this Federal Targeted Program:

- 4 multipurpose rescue vessel capacity 4 МВт (including 2 vessels- for cargo areas of port of Sochi); the vessels will be included into the state rescue fleet, capable to carry out full scope of  works at accidental oil spill,

- 4 sea diving vessels,  the vessels will be included into the state rescue fleet, capable to perform underwater-technical, diving and rescue works on depth up to 60 meters.

