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Аварийно-спасательное судно проекта MPSV07

Корпусосборочное производство

Корпусосборочное производство

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Home » News » 2014 » The vessel “SPASATEL KAREV” took part in trainings of the Pechora Sea shelf

The vessel “SPASATEL KAREV” took part in trainings of the Pechora Sea shelf

According to State Marine Emergency Salvage, Rescue and Pollution Prevention Coordination Service of the Russian Federation, on September 23rd, 2014, the multipurpose salvage vessel “SPASATEL KAREV” of MPSV07 project, 4 MW, took part in trainings for containment and response of oil and oil products spills during building of exploratory well N 3-SD of the Dolginskoye oil field on the Pechora Sea shelf with SEFDR "GSP Saturn".

The forces and facilities of SMPCSA Baltic Branch, the multipurpose salvage vessel “SPASATEL KAREV” of MPSV07 project, MRCC Murmansk, SEFDR "GSP Saturn", supply vessel "Stril Commander" and Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC participated in the trainings.

 The training purposes:

 1. Cooperation organization training of SMPCSA Baltic Branch forces and facilities, operational and duty watch of Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC and SEFDR "GSP Saturn".

2. Check of emergency readiness level of forces and facilities during oil and oil products spills response.

3. Actions practicing for containment and response of oil and oil products spills.

The training was successful, the purposes were achieved, the assigned tasks were performed.

The vessel “SPASATEL KAREV” with ice class is unique thanks to her equipments and technical capabilities. The vessel was built in 2013 by Nevsky Shipyard on order of the Direction of State Contractor of Marine Transport Development Program of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The three vessels of MPSV07 project are currently the biggest and the most significant vessels built by Russian shipyards at the expense of Federal Target Program “Russian Transport System Development (2010-2015)”. The fourth vessel is under construction.

 The project is developed by Marine Engineering Bureau.

 Source: Marine Engineering Bureau
