According to the State Marine Rescue Service website, on October 20, 2017, the multipurpose salvage vessel (MPSV) with the capacity of 4 MW “Spasatel Demidov” of the MPSV07 project took part in the exercises to develop a plan for the prevention and liquidation of oil and oil products spills in the seaport of Murmansk in the operational area of responsibility FGBU "ASP of the Western Arctic".
In the training from the Northern Branch of the FBU Morspassluzhba Rosmorrechflot, MPSV capacity of 4 MW of MPSV07 project “Spasatel Demidov”, the rescue boats “Victor Petrov” and “Markab” boats “Lamor PC 7500”, “Lamor LC 7500”, “MOB-20”.
The following elements were worked out:
• Notification and collection of rescue personnel;
• statement of tasks to forces and means;
• organization of reconnaissance of the emergency zone (EZ);
• making decisions on the localization and elimination of emergencies by available forces;
• Personnel actions during rescue operations.
During the tests were checked:
• ice front propulsion;
• ice backward ice when driving in its own canal;
• the possibility of making ship turns in level ice by circulation while moving forward;
• ice propulsion on the forward course in a cohesive annual ice.
According to the test results, it was found that the vessel fully meets the requirements of the RS Rules in accordance with the Arc 5 ice category, and also corresponds to the declared design icebreakability in the icefield.
The exercises were successful, the educational goals were achieved, the tasks were fulfilled.
"Spasatel Demidov" is a unique multifunctional salvage vessel for ice navigation, built in 2015 by Nevsky Shipyard, commissioned by FSI "The management of state customer programs for the development of maritime transport" of the Federal Agency of Marine and river transport of Russian Federation Ministry of transport for Morspassluzhba Rosmorrechflot.
The designer - Marine Engineering Bureau.
News Source: Marine Engineering Bureau.