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Корпусосборочное производство

Корпусосборочное производство

Nevsky Shipyard
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Home » News » 2019 » Main engines were loaded onto the lead ship of PV22 project at Nevsky Shipyard

Main engines were loaded onto the lead ship of PV22 project at Nevsky Shipyard

At the Nevsky Shipyard (part of the USC), the main engines were loaded onto the cargo-passenger ship (ARC 4 class) of PV22 project intended for Sakhalin - Kuril Islands line.

Customer - Sakhalin Leasing Fleet JSC. The designer - MIB-Design-SPB.

The vessel is designed to transport 146 passengers, general cargo, containers (including refrigerated) and cars between Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands and is equipped with a cargo crane with the ability to perform cargo operations on an unequipped shore.

The vessel was given the name “Admiral Nevelskoy”

For reference:

Gennady Nevelskoy (November 23 (December 5), 1813, Drakino, Kostroma province - April 17 (29), 1876, St. Petersburg) - Russian admiral (1874), researcher of the Far East, founder of the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. He proved that the mouth of the Amur River is accessible for sea vessels and that Sakhalin is an island.
