Nevsky Shipyard laid the keel of the second dry-cargo vessel of the RSD59 project
On May 25, 2017 Nevsky Shipyard laid the second vessel of a series of five dry cargo vessels of RSD59 project with deadweight of 7500/5200 tons of Volgo-Don Max class (building number 592).
Nevsky Shipyard laid a new dry-cargo vessel of the project RSD59
On May 18, in the boathouse of the Nevsky Shipyard, a multipurpose dry-cargo vessel with a deadweight of 7500/5200 tons of the Volgo-Don Max class of the RSD59 project was laid.
"Beysug" is transferred from a boathouse to an open slipway
On May 17th a Multipurpose shallow-draft tug-salvage vessel Beysug was rolled out to an open slipway at Nevsky Shipyard (Shliesselburg, Leningrad Region).
"Spasatel Kavdeykin" took part in the oil spill response exercises in the port Prigorodnoye.
According to information from press-service of the Marine Salvage Service of Rosmorrechflot, on 04.05.2017 "Spasatel Kavdeykin " took part in took part in the oil spill response exercises in port Prigorodnoye.
Nevsky Shipyard took part in TransCaspian / Translogistica-2017 in Baku
From April 26 to April 28, 2017, the delegation of the Nevsky Shipyard participated in the 16th Caspian International Exhibition TransCaspian / Translogistica 2017
"Spasatel Kavdeykin" extinguished "conventional" fire on the ship "Rubin" in Aniva Bay
According to the Morspassluzhba of Rosmorrechflot, on April 27, 2017, a "conventional" fire on the ship "Rubin" was extinguished by rescue vessel "Spasatel Kavdeykin" during exercises in Aniva Bay.
Dry cargo vessel “Atameken” went to the port “Aktau” (Kazakhstan)
On April 27, 2017, a single-deck dry cargo vessel RSD49 project of the mixed “river-sea” navigation “Atameken” left the shipyard’s territory and went to the port of registration “Aktau”.
“Spasatel Demidov” coordinates a search and rescue operation in the area of the ship's death “Heroes of Arsenal“
According to the Morspassluzhba of Rosmorrechflot, the multipurpose rescue vessel (MRV) with the capacity of 4 MW “Spasatel Demidov” of the MPSV07 project coordinates a search and rescue operation in the region of the crash of the dry cargo vessel “Heroes of Arsenal”.Cutting of metal for the dry-cargo vessel of the RSD59 project took place at Nevsky Shipyard
Nevsky Shipyard started building a series of five dry-cargo vessels RSD59 project.
Nevsky Shipyard received the first package of bank guarantees from Bank «Rossiya»
On March 24, Nevsky Shipyard LLC (Shlisselburg) received the first package of bank guarantees from Bank «Rossiya»